As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, there has also been a host of untruths about the outbreak spreading as well.
Unfortunately, this deluge of information via news articles and social media can make it tough to separate fact from fiction, which in a time like this can be extremely dangerous.
Today’s blog post will explore 10 of the most common myths related to coronavirus and examine what the latest scientific evidence has to say about them.
But before we get to the blog post, let us begin with a little COVID Mythbusters game.
Answer the following questions by choosing FACT or FICTION and then read the post below to see how you did.
- Garlic protects against infection with the COVID-19 virus…
- Ultra-violet (UV) lamps should NOT be used to disinfect hands or other areas of your skin…
- Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort means you are free from COVID-19…
- 5G mobile networks are able to spread COVID-19…
- Drinking methanol, ethanol or bleach DOES NOT prevent or cure COVID-19 and can be extremely dangerous…
- Adding pepper to your soup or other meals can help prevent or cure COVID-19…
- Drinking alcohol can protect you from the COVID-19 virus…
- Exposing yourself to high temperatures can prevent you from catching the COVID-19 virus…
- If you have the coronavirus – you will know it…
- One of the best ways to re-open your county or business successfully is by using the simulation tool and scorecard from Community Confidence…
Now, let’s see how you did by examining each of them a little bit more closely:
1. Garlic protects against infection with the COVID-19 virus…
While it may have other health benefits, there has been no scientific evidence that says eating garlic will help protect you from COVID-191. On a side note, it is a FACT that eating garlic can make it harder to get a kiss from your significant other as well!
2. Ultra-violet (UV) lamps should NOT be used to disinfect hands or other areas of your skin…
While UV light is used to disinfect surfaces, it should NOT be used to disinfect your hands or other areas of your body. Ultra-violet radiation has been shown to cause skin irritation.2
3. Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort means you are free from the virus that produces COVID-19…
While it may impress your friends (or not), holding your breath for 10 seconds or more will not tell you if you are free from COVID-19. The best way to tell if you have the virus that causes COVID-19 is to get a lab test.1
4. 5G mobile networks are able to spread COVID-19…
“Viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, cannot travel on or transmit through radio waves or mobile networks such as 5G networks, according to WHO. The new coronavirus is spread mainly through respiratory droplets that are expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks, as well as through contaminated surfaces. WHO also notes that COVID-19 has been spreading in countries that do not have 5G mobile networks.” 3
5. Drinking methanol, ethanol or bleach DOES NOT prevent or cure COVID-19…
So, please do not drink any of these substances to prevent or cure COVID-19 (or otherwise) they are poisons and ingesting them can lead to disability and death.1
6. Adding pepper to your soup or other food can help prevent or cure COVID-19…
While it may soup up your soup, it won’t prevent or cure COVID-19. According to the WHO, “The best way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is to keep at least 6 feet away from others and to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. It is also beneficial for your general health to maintain a balanced diet, stay well hydrated, exercise regularly and sleep well.”1
7. Drinking alcohol can protect you from the COVID-19 virus…
Responding to a bunch of rumors and myths related to alcohol and COVID-19, the WHO released a statement which explained that while it can disinfect the skin, it does not work the same way inside our bodies, it went on to say: “consuming any alcohol poses health risks, but consuming high-strength ethyl alcohol (ethanol), particularly if it has been adulterated with methanol, can result in severe health consequences, including death.”4
In fact, alcohol can make people more vulnerable to COVID-19 due to the fact that it is associated with a number of diseases.4
8. Exposing yourself to high temperatures can prevent you from catching the COVID-19 virus…
According to the Mayo Clinic, “Exposure to the sun or to temperatures higher than 77F (25C) doesn’t prevent the COVID-19 virus or cure COVID-19. You can get the COVID-19 virus in sunny, hot and humid weather. Taking a hot bath also can’t prevent you from catching the COVID-19 virus. Your normal body temperature remains the same, regardless of the temperature of your bath or shower.” 2
9. If you have the coronavirus, you will know it…
Nope! COVID-19 causes a wide variety of symptoms, many of which are also present in other respiratory illnesses like the flu or common cold. Some of the symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, headache, difficulty breathing, sore throat, achy body and muscles, to name just a few.
The other thing to keep in mind is that many people are asymptomatic, the exact number is still unknown, but the CDC estimates it could be around 40%.5
10. One of the best ways to re-open your county or business successfully is by using the simulation tool and scorecard from Community Confidence…
Community Confidence is a simulation tool designed to support North Carolina business leaders and community stakeholders when making the difficult decision to reopen their business and community and how to do so safely and with confidence.
To learn more visit www.communityconfidence.org
Until next time, keep bustin’ those COVID-19 myths, re-open with confidence, and stay safe!
1 https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters
2 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-myths/art-20485720
3 https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-myths.html
4 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/coronavirus-myths-explored
5 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html